Thousands of people gathered around the Jakarta Monas monument on November 5, 2023, several members of the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia, such as Mrs. Puan Maharani and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Retno Marsudi, were present and enlivened the action to defend Palestine.
Even the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi, wrote a beautiful and moving poem. According to Mrs. Retno Marsudi, she wrote this poem overnight, which shows that she is very concerned with the events that occur in Gaza, Palestine, where every 10 minutes, 1 person Palestinian Gaza child dies.
The following is the content of the verses of poetry Palestina Saudaraku in the Indonesian language by Mrs. Retno Marsudi which were read at the Monas monument in Jakarta on November 5, 2023
Palestina Saudaraku
Karya Ibu Retno Marsudi
Hatiku miris, karena bocah itu menangis
Dia terluka, dia tidak bisa berkata
Dia tidak tahu di mana bapak ibunya
Setiap 10 menit 1 anak wafat di Gaza
Ribuan orang tua kehilangan anak
Tak terbilang berapa ribu anak kehilangan orang tuanya
Setiap tangan tertulis nama
Mereka tidak ingin mati tanpa penanda
Rumah mereka hanya langit
Kasur mereka hanya bumi
Kapan kekejaman ini akan berhenti
Kapan keadilan ini akan menghampiri
Aku dan Indonesiaku pantang mundur akan terus membantumu
Aku dan Indonesiaku akan terus bersamamu
Sampai penjajah itu enyah dari rumahmu
Palestina kau adalah saudaraku
Dan aku, Indonesiaku akan selalu bersamamu
The poetry above in English language, like this
Palestine, my brother
Created by Mrs. Retno Marsudi
My heart was sad because the boy was crying
He was hurt, he couldn’t say
He doesn’t know where his mother and father are
Every 10 minutes 1 child dies in Gaza
Thousands of parents lost their children
Countless thousands of children have lost their parents
Each hand has a name written on it
They don’t want to die without a marker
Their home is only the sky
Their mattresses are just earth
When will this cruelty stop
When will this justice come?
Indonesia and I will never back down and will continue to help you
My Indonesia and I will continue to be with you
Until the invaders leave your house
Palestine you are my brother
And I, my Indonesia will always be with you