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21 Example sentences using the word Kindergarten and Its definition


 What is meant by the word kindergarten?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, the definition of kindergarten is a school or class that prepares children for first grade. A child in kindergarten is typically 5 or 6 years old, (in Britain and Australia) an establishment where children below the age of compulsory education play and learn.

21 Example sentences using the word Kindergarten and Its definition

The following are 21 example sentences using the words kindergarten in English. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below :

  1. We need teachers for kindergarten.
  2. My child is happy to be able to go to kindergarten.
  3. We miss singing and playing back in kindergarten.
  4. Bambang needs more kindergarten materials
  5. They saw a boy running around in kindergarten
  6. Why your child doesn’t want to go to kindergarten.
  7. The child was kidnapped in front of the kindergarten gate.
  8. They enjoy playing in kindergarten.
  9. Please pick up your child at kindergarten at 10 p.m.
  10. He was afraid to meet the principal of our kindergarten.
  11. Fadli studies at the Pembina State Kindergarten 1 Village Six, Tarakan City.
  12. How much does it cost to send children to kindergarten?
  13. You can spend millions of rupiah to register your child at Al Azhar Tangerang kindergarten.
  14. He persuaded his child to want to go to kindergarten.
  15. Mrs. Dewi is a teacher at a Yogyakarta kindergarten.
  16. Kindergarten students are captivated by animals in Surabaya.
  17. We will make you look like a kindergarten teacher.
  18. The swing at the kindergarten broke yesterday afternoon.
  19. Bambang served as a security guard at our village kindergarten.
  20. We were taught to brush our teeth and fold our arms in kindergarten
  21. He is looking for kindergarten school information for his child.
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