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20 Latihan Soal Simple Present Interaktif Pilihan Ganda


Saudara bisa berpindah ke contoh kalimat aktif pasif dengan tenses yang lain, misal dari contoh kalimat aktif pasif simple present kemudian ingin mempelajari contoh soal direct indirect, maka bisa melihat pada “Daftar Materi dan Soal Inggris” di bawah, semoga membantu anda.

Berikut adalah 20 Latihan Soal Simple Present Interaktif Pilihan Ganda dan jawabannya, namun apabila anda ingin melihat uraian soal dan kunci jawaban silakan saudara baca pada lembaran dibawahnya.

Selamat Mengerjakan!

1.) Does      to market? (She,go)

            a. She goes c. She went

            b. She go d. She will go

2.) Benjamin  .. assalamu’alaikum every morning. (say)

            a. Say c. says

            b. Said         d. is saying

3.) The moon …. around the earth. (turn)

            a. Is turning c. have turned

            b. Will turn d. turns

4) Diego types this letter for you

a. This letter is typed by Diego for you

b. This letter was typed by Diego for you

c. This letter has been typed by Diego for you

d. This letter was being typed by Diego for you

5) She watches film on youtube

a. Film has been watched by her on uoutube

b. Film was being watched by her on Youtube

c. Film is watched by her on Youtube

d. Film are watched by her on Youtube

6) My mother .. rice every morning. (cook)

            a.Is cooking c.cooks

            b.Will cook         d.are cooking

7) Her mom ,,,  a fish in your market every sunday, (sell)

            a. sold c. is selling

            b. sells d.will sell

8).We … your picture every Sunday night. (watch)

            a. watched c. watch

            b. watches d.are watching

9) We …. In Tarakan City every days. (live)

            a. Are living c. have lived

            b. live         d. lives

10) He always …. his shoes goodly. (clean)

            a.clean c. cleaning

            b. cleans d.will clean

20 Latihan Soal Simple Present Interaktif Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

11) Why …. this fruit every September? (She, Take)

            a.Does she take c. are she taking

            b.Do she take d. she will take

12) Diana  .. in this chair every Sunday. (sit)

            a.sat c. sit

            b.sits d.are sitting

13) My uncle ,,, my sister every day. (call)

            a.Will called c. calls

            b.Did call d. call

soal nomor 14 sampai dengan 20 dan jawabannya ada di halaman 2

Halaman 1

Halaman 2

Tinggalkan Balasan

Alamat email Anda tidak akan dipublikasikan. Ruas yang wajib ditandai *

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