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20 Latihan Soal Simple Present Interaktif Pilihan Ganda (page 2)


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14) My parent always …. me money every month. (give)

            a. given c. give

            b. gave

15) Mr. John  … me every Friday night. (meet)

            a.met c. will meet

            b. meets meeting

16) Marya catches this ball fastly, bentuk negative pasif simple presentnya adalah…

a. This ball had not been caught by Marya fastly

b. This ball was not being caught by Marya fastly

c. This ball has not been caught by Marya fastly

d. This ball is not caught by Marya fastly

17) Mr. Abraham tells the truth to you, bentuk negative pasif simple presentnya adalah…

a. The truth had not been told by mr. Abraham to you

b. The truth is not told by mr. Abraham to you

c. The truth has not been told by mr. Abraham to you

d. The truth is not being told by mr. Abraham to you.

18) Miss Annisa keeps this diamond, , bentuk negative pasif simple presentnya adalah…

a. This diamond had not been kept by miss Annisa

b. This diamond is not being kept by miss Annisa

c. This diamond is not kept by miss Annisa

d. This diamond has not kept by miss Annisa

19) He buys this mouse on Tokopedia, bentuk Interrogative pasif simple presentnya adalah…

a. Is this mouse bought by him on Tokopedia?

b. Is this mouse being bought by him on Tokopedia

c. Has this mouse bought by him on Tokopedia?

d. Had this mouse bought by him on Tokopedia?

20) Tamara plants this tree at office, bentuk Interrogative pasif simple presentnya adalah…

a. Had this three planted by Tamara at office?

b. Have this tree being planted by Tamara at office?

c. Is this tree planted by Tamara at office?

d. Had this tree planted by Tamara at office?

Kunci Jawaban Latihan Soal Simple Present Pilihan ganda

  1. b. She go
  2. c. says
  3. d. turns
  4. a. This letter is typed by Diego for you
  5. c. Film is watched by her on Youtube
  6. c. cooks
  7. b. sells
  8. c. watch
  9. b. live
  10. b. cleans
  11. a. Does she take
  12. b. sits
  13. c. calls
  14. d. gives
  15. b. meets
  16. d. This ball is not caught by Marya fastly
  17. b. The truth is not told by mr. Abraham to you
  18. c. This diamond is not kept by miss Annisa
  19. a. Is this mouse bought by him on Tokopedia?
  20. c. Is this tree planted by Tamara at office?

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