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20 Contoh Soal Rooms and Things in the Home Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya


Saudara bisa berpindah ke contoh soal bahasa inggris yang lain, semisal setelah mengerjakan latihan soal simple present pilihan ganda, kemudian ingin berlatih soal WH Question atau Pronoun, dengan mengklik menu dropdown “Daftar Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris” di bawah, semoga membantu anda.

 Berikut adalah 20 Contoh Soal Rooms and things in the home pilihan ganda, contoh soal ini dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban yang berada di bagian bawah soal, namun kami menyarankan kepada anda untuk mengerjakan soal sebisanya baru melihat kunci jawaban yang berada di bagian bawah soal.

20 Contoh Soal Rooms and Things in the Home Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

Selamat mengerjakan!

1) I watched a movie on my …

a. Printer b. Handphone

c. Microwave d. Washing machine

2) What is the tool that is used for cutting vegetables?

a. Printer b. Kettle

c. Microwave d. Knife

3) She will print his file on the …

a. Printer b.Handphone

c.Microwave d.Washing machine

4) He will clean his clothes in the …

a. Printer b.Handphone

c. Microwave d.Washing machine

5) I use a … to heat the water

a.Printer b.Kettle

c.Microwave d.Washing machine

6) What is the tool that is used for making bread?

a.Printer b.Kettle

c.Microwave d.Washing machine

7) You have to turn on the …in the night

a.lamp b.Kettle

c.Microwave d.Washing machine

8) What is the tool that is used for tidying the clothes?

a.lamp b.Kettle

c.Iron d.Washing machine

9) I will type this work on the … tonight

a.lamp b.Kettle

c.Iron d.laptop

10) You have to use a … to dry your body after taking a bath

a.lamp b.Kettle

c.towel d.laptop

11) What is the tool that is used for washing the clothes?

a.Printer b.Rice cooker

c.Microwave d.Washing machine

12) What is the tool that is used for sucking up the dust and dirt?

a.Printer b.Rice cooker

c.Vacuum Cleaner d.Towel

13) He will sleep in my …

a. Bedroom b.guest room

c. kitchen room

14) My mother’s motor is in the …

a. Bedroom b.garage

c. kitchen room

15) We usually work and read books in the …

a. garage b.garage


16) I met my visitor in My …

a. garage b.garage

c.library d. guest room

17) I take a bath in the …

a.garage b.garage

c. Bathroom  d. guest room

18) We will cook fried rice in the …

a.Bedroom b.garage

19) We carry the water in the …

a.Washing machine b.garage

c. pail  d. kettle

20) Sabrina plants rose and jasmine in the …

a. Bedroom b.garage

Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal Rooms and things in the home pilihan ganda

  1. b.Handphone
  2. d. Knife
  3. a. Printer
  4. d.Washing machine
  5. b.Kettle
  6. c.Microwave
  7. a.lamp
  8. c.Iron
  9. d.laptop
  10. c.towel
  11. d.Washing machine
  12. c.Vacuum Cleaner
  13. a.Bedroom
  14. b.garage
  15. c.library
  16. d. guest room
  17. c. Bathroom  
  19. c. pail  

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