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How To Sow Papaya in Polybags Using Tissue


 Papaya as a tropical fruit is a fruit that is rich in benefits and vitamins. The 3 benefits of eating papaya are to nourish the body’s digestion, lose weight and maintain the health of your eyes. How to plant papaya in Indonesia is very easy because the weather and climate are favorable for growing papaya here.

Here’s how to sow papaya in polybags using tissue, complete with pictures and videos

  1. Buy a Calina papaya or California papaya the correct name is Calina, but people say California more.
  2. Slice into three parts where the seeds are in the middle that we will plant.
  3. Put the seed in the middle of the water
  4. Discard floating seeds while sinking seeds are stored for further processing.
  5. Prepare warm water to soak the seeds that sink.
  6. After you have soaked it for 4 hours in warm water, drain it and put it on a paper towel
  7. Close the tissue and put it in a safe place. In the video above, we put it in a styrofoam rice box. Within 2 to 4 days, the cantina papaya seeds have germinated.
  8. Prepare a plastic or polybag container in the form of loose soil for cantina papaya growing media
  9. Place the seeds that have germinated in the polybag, within one week the germinated seeds will grow into small papaya trees
  10. Take care of the small papaya until it is large and move it to a large area of rice fields until the papaya plants bear fruit

Some pests disturb papaya plants such as bats and birds, but these are rarely found in rice fields. Papaya is a type of plant that is resistant to various types of pests. One of the causes of crop failure is usually rice fields or papaya fields submerged in flood water so that the plants wither and die. But if you have made beds or water disposal sites when heavy rains hit your rice fields, then that is the best effort to make your papaya plants successful and successful in the future.

Apart from being eaten as fruit, papaya plants can also be processed into processed foods such as chips, chili sauce, or sauce. There have been many successful people harvesting papaya fruit. If you have questions, please write in the comments column below

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