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40 Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Past Future Perfect


Saudara bisa berpindah ke contoh kalimat aktif pasif dengan tenses yang lain, misal dari contoh kalimat aktif pasif simple present kemudian ingin mempelajari contoh kalimat aktif pasif simple past, maka bisa melihat pada “Daftar Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Bahasa Inggris” di bawah, semoga membantu Anda.

 Memahami kalimat aktif dan pasif Past Future Perfect tense akan sangat berguna bagi kita untuk berbiara dan bekerja dengan menggunakan Bahasa inggris, Adapun rumus kalimat aktif Past Future Perfect adalah Subject + would + have + Verb 3 + Object, seperti kalimat She would have typed a letter.

Sedangkan rumus kalimat passive voice Past Future Perfect adalah Object + would + have + been + Verb 3 + by + Subject, contoh kalimatnya seperti A letter would have been typed by her. Sehingga bisa difahami subject yang ada pada kalimat aktif dirubah posisinya menjadi di belakang, sementara object ditaruh di depan.

Berikut adalah 40 contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif Past Future Perfect tense, dengan perincian 20 contoh kalimat aktif Past Future Perfect dan 20 contoh kalimat pasif Past Future Perfect.

No Kalimat Aktif Kalimat Pasif
1 They would have stolen it. It would have been stolen by them.
2 I would have bought this phone next year. This phone would have been bought by me next year.
3 You would have taken this condition. This condition would have been taken by you.
4 They would have watched this movie for the next hour. This movie would have been watched by them for the next hour.
5 I would have married you. You would have been married by me.
6 The speakers would have taught us about this science. We would have been taught by the speakers about this science.
7 Jacob would have said something to me. Something would have been said by Jacob to me.
8 Benjamin would have visited you in Egypt. You would have been visited by Benjamin in Egypt.
9 My teacher would have explained mathematics. Mathematics would have been explained by My teacher.
10 My father would have saved me. I would have been saved by my father.
11 My parents would have given you some money. You would have been given by My parents some money.
12 Our teacher would have delayed your vacation. Your vacation would have been delayed by Our teacher.
13 He would have imagined yourself. Yourself would have been imagined by him.
14 She would have decorated her house for you. Her house would have been decorated by her for you.
15 This cat would have fought your dog. Your dog would have been fought by this cat.
16 My laptop would have brought new technology. New technology would have been brought by my laptop.
17 They would have repaired your motor. Your motor would have been repaired by them.
18 This movie would have impressed you with its action. You would have been impressed by this movie with its action
19 This girl would have invited you to the dangerous, You would have been invited by this girl to the dangerous.
20 My child would have learned this book. This book would have been learned by my child.
40 Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Past Future Perfect dan Pengertiannya

Setelah anda melihat contoh perubahan kalimat aktif dan pasif pada Past Future Perfect diatas, berikut adalah 40 contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif Past Future Perfect beserta artinya, apabila saudara mempunyai pertanyaan silakan tulis melalui kolom komentar di bawah

  1. (Kalimat Aktif) They would have stolen it artinya mereka akan mencurinya.
  2. (Kalimat Pasif) It would have been stolen by them artinya itu akan dicuri oleh mereka.
  3. (Kalimat Aktif) I would have bought this phone next year artinya saya akan membeli telpon ini tahun depan.
  4. (Kalimat Pasif) This phone would have been bought by me next year artinya telpon ini akan dibeli oleh saya tahun depan.
  5. (Kalimat Aktif) You would have taken this condition artinya kamu akan mengambil kondisi ini.
  6. (Kalimat Pasif) This condition would have been taken by you artinya kondisi ini akan diambil oleh anda.
  7. (Kalimat Aktif) They would have watched this movie for the next hour artinya mereka akan melihat film ini untuk satu jam ke depan.
  8. (Kalimat Pasif) This movie would have been watched by them for the next hour artinya film ini akan dilihat oleh mereka untuk satu jam ke depan.
  9. (Kalimat Aktif) I would have married you artinya saya akan menikahi anda.
  10. (Kalimat Pasif) You would have been married by me artinya kamu akan dinikahi oleh saya.
  11. (Kalimat Aktif) The speakers would have taught us about this science artinya pembicara akan mengajar kami tentang sains.
  12. (Kalimat Pasif) We would have been taught by the speakers about this science. Artinya kami akan diajari oleh pembicara tentang sains.
  13. (Kalimat Aktif) Jacob would have said something to me artinya Jacob akan mengatakan sesuatu kepada saya.
  14. (Kalimat Pasif) Something would have been said by Jacob to me artinya sesuatu akan dikatakan oleh Jacob kepada saya.
  15. (Kalimat Aktif) Benjamin would have visited you in Egypt artinya Benjamin akan mengunjungi anda di Mesir.
  16. (Kalimat Pasif) You would have been visited by Benjamin in Egypt artinya kamu akan dikunjungi oleh Benjamin di mesir.
  17. (Kalimat Aktif) My teacher would have explained mathematics artinya guru saya akan menjelaskan matematika.
  18. (Kalimat Pasif) Mathematics would have been explained by My teacher artinya matematika akan dijelaskan oleh guru saya.
  19. (Kalimat Aktif) My father would have saved me artinya ayah saya akan menyelamatkan saya.
  20. (Kalimat Pasif) I would have been saved by my father artinya saya akan diselamatkan oleh ayah saya.
  21. (Kalimat Aktif) My parents would have given you some money artinya orang tua akan memberikan anda beberapa uang.
  22. (Kalimat Pasif) You would have been given by My parents some money artinya kamu akan diberikan oleh orang tua saya beberapa uang.
  23. (Kalimat Aktif) Our teacher would have delayed your vacation artinya guru kami akan menunda liburan anda.
  24. (Kalimat Pasif) Your vacation would have been delayed by Our teacher artinya liburan anda akan ditunda oleh guru kami.
  25. (Kalimat Aktif) He would have imagined yourself artinya dia akan membayangkan diri anda.
  26. (Kalimat Pasif) Yourself would have been imagined by him artinya diri anda akan dibayangkan oleh dia.
  27. (Kalimat Aktif) She would have decorated her house for you artinya dia akan menghiasi rumahnya untuk anda.
  28. (Kalimat Pasif) Her house would have been decorated by her for you artinya rumah dia akan dihiasi olehnya untuk anda.
  29. (Kalimat Aktif) This cat would have fought your dog artinya kucing ini akan melawan anjing anda .
  30. (Kalimat Pasif) Your dog would have been fought by this cat artinya anjing anda akan dilawan oleh kucing ini.
  31. (Kalimat Aktif) My laptop would have brought new technology artinya laptop saya akan membawa teknologi baru.
  32. (Kalimat Pasif) New technology would have been brought by my laptop artinya teknologi baru akan dibawa oleh laptop saya.
  33. (Kalimat Aktif) They would have repaired your motor artinya mereka akan memperbaiki motor anda.
  34. (Kalimat Pasif) Your motor would have been repaired by them artinya motor anda akan diperbaiki oleh mereka.
  35. (Kalimat Aktif) This movie would have impressed you with its action artinya film ini akan membuat anda terkesan dengan aksinya.
  36. (Kalimat Pasif) You would have been impressed by this movie with its action artinya anda akan terkesan dengan film ini dengan aksinya.
  37. (Kalimat Aktif) This girl would have invited you to the dangerous artinya gadis ini akan mengajak anda kepada bahaya.
  38. (Kalimat Pasif) You would have been invited by this girl to the dangerous artinya kamu akan diajak oleh gadis ini kepada bahaya.
  39. (Kalimat Aktif) My child would have learned this book artinya anak ini akan mempelajari buku ini.
  40. (Kalimat Pasif) This book would have been learned by my child artinya buku ini akan dipelajari oleh anak saya.

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