
Mode Gelap
Arti Kata Baiduri Pandan Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Arti Kata Baiduri Bulan Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Arti Kata Baiduri Betul Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Arti Kata Baiduri Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Arti Kata Baiat Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Arti Kata Bahwasanya Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI)


40 Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Future Perfect Tense


Saudara bisa berpindah ke contoh kalimat aktif pasif dengan tenses yang lain, misal dari contoh kalimat aktif pasif simple present kemudian ingin mempelajari contoh kalimat aktif pasif simple past, maka bisa melihat pada “Daftar Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Bahasa Inggris” di bawah, semoga membantu anda.

 Memahami kalimat aktif dan pasif Future Perfect tense akan sangat berguna bagi kita untuk berbiara dan bekerja dengan menggunakan Bahasa inggris, Adapun rumus kalimat aktif Future Perfect adalah Subject + will have + Verb3 + Object, seperti kalimat I will have made this bread.

Sedangkan rumus kalimat passive voice Future Perfect adalah Object + will have + been + Verb 3 + by + Subject, contoh kalimatnya seperti This bread will have been made by me.

40 Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Future Perfect Tense
Gambar 1.0. Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Future Perfect Tense

Berikut adalah 40 contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif Future Perfect tense, dengan perincian 20 contoh kalimat aktif Future Perfect dan 20 contoh kalimat pasif Future Perfect.  

No Kalimat Aktif Kalimat Pasif
She will have accepted your bag Your bag will have been accepted by her.
Maryam will have celebrated your birthday. Your birthday will have been celebrated by Maryam.
Farida will have taken this question.      
This question will have been taken by Farida.   
I will have changed my method.   
My method will have been changed by me.   
My teacher will have checked your answer.    
Your answer will have been checked by my teacher.   
We will have circulated your paper.    
Your paper will have been circulated by us.   
He will have climbed this mountain.    
This mountain will have been climbed by him.   
We will have connected your phone.    
Your phone will have been connected by us.   
The officer will have written a message.    
A Message will have been written by the officer.   
Benjamin will have eaten her bread.   
Her bread will have been eaten by Benjamin.   
Diego will have typed a letter   
A Letter will have been typed by Diego   
Diana will have talked about Mathematics.   
Mathematics will have been talked about by Diana.   
We will have used this method.   
This method will have been used by us.   
I will have discussed your problem.   
Your problem will have been discussed by me.   
He will have kept my child.   
My child will have been kept by him.   
My child will have repaired your motor.   
Your motor will have been repaired by my child.   
We will have visited your class.   
Your class will have been visited by us.   
They will have sent a prize.   
A prize will have been sent by them.   
Diego will have sung this song.   
This song will have been sung by Diego.   
You will have given these toys.   
These toys will have been given by you.   

Setelah anda melihat contoh perubahan kalimat aktif dan pasif pada Future Perfect diatas, berikut adalah 40 contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif Future Perfect Tense beserta artinya

  1. (Kalimat Aktif) She will have accepted your bag artinya dia akan menerima tasmu.
  2. (Kalimat Pasif) Your bag will have been accepted by her artinya tasmu akan diterima oleh dia.
  3. (Kalimat Aktif) Maryam will have celebrated your birthday artinya Maryam akan merayakan ulang tahun anda.
  4. (Kalimat Pasif) Your birthday will have been celebrated by Maryam artinya Ulang tahun anda akan dirayakan oleh Maryam.
  5. (Kalimat Aktif) Farida will have taken this question artinya Farida akan mengambil soal ini.
  6. (Kalimat Pasif) This question will have been taken by Farida artinya Soal ini akan diambil oleh Farida.
  7. (Kalimat Aktif) I will have changed my method artinya saya akan mengganti metode saya.
  8. (Kalimat Pasif) My method will have been changed by me artinya metode saya akan diganti oleh saya.
  9.  (Kalimat Aktif) My teacher will have checked your answer artinya guru saya akan mengecek jawaban anda.
  10.  (Kalimat Pasif) Your answer will have been checked by my teacher artinya jawaban anda akan dicek oleh guru saya.
  11. (Kalimat Aktif) We will have circulated your paper artinya kami akan mengedarkan kertas anda.
  12.  (Kalimat Pasif) Your paper will have been circulated by us artinya kertas anda akan diedarkan oleh kami.
  13. (Kalimat Aktif) He will have climbed this mountain artinya dia akan menaiki gunung ini.
  14. (Kalimat Pasif) This mountain will have been climbed by him artinya gunung ini akan dinaiki oleh dia.
  15. (Kalimat Aktif) We will have connected your phone artinya kami akan menghubungkan telepon anda.
  16. (Kalimat Pasif) Your phone will have been connected by us artinya telepon anda akan dihubungkan oleh kami.
  17. (Kalimat Aktif) The officer will have written a message artinya karyawan akan menulis sebuah pesan.
  18. (Kalimat Pasif) A Message will have been written by the officer artinya sebuah pesan akan ditulis oleh petugas.
  19. (Kalimat Aktif) Benjamin will have eaten her bread artinya Benyamin akan memakan roti dia.
  20. (Kalimat Pasif) Her bread will have been eaten by Benjamin artinya Roti dia akan sudah dimakan oleh Benyamin.
  21. (Kalimat Aktif) Diego will have typed a letter artinya Diego akan menulis sebuah surat.
  22. (Kalimat Pasif) A Letter will have been typed by Diego artinya sebuah surat akan ditulis oleh Diego.
  23. (Kalimat Aktif) Diana will have talked about Mathematics artinya Diana akan berbicara tentang matematika.
  24.  (Kalimat Pasif) Mathematics will have been talked about by Diana artinya Matematika akan dibicarakan dengan Diana.
  25. (Kalimat Aktif) We will have used this method artinya Kami akan menggunakan metode ini.
  26. (Kalimat Pasif) This method will have been used by us artinya Metode ini akan digunakan oleh kami.
  27. (Kalimat Aktif) I will have discussed your problem artinya saya akan mendiskusikan masalah anda.
  28. (Kalimat Pasif) Your problem will have been discussed by me artinya masalah anda akan didiskusikan oleh saya.
  29. (Kalimat Aktif) He will have kept my child artinya dia akan menjaga anak saya.
  30. (Kalimat Pasif) My child will have been kept by him artinya anak saya akan dijaga oleh dia.
  31. (Kalimat Aktif) My child will have repaired your motor artinya anak saya akan memperbaiki motor anda.
  32. (Kalimat Pasif) Your motor will have been repaired by my child artinya motor anda akan diperbaiki oleh anak saya.
  33. (Kalimat Aktif) We will have visited your class artinya kami akan mengunjungi kelas anda.
  34. (Kalimat Pasif) Your class will have been visited by us artinya kelas anda akan dikunjungi oleh kami.
  35. (Kalimat Aktif) They will have sent a prize artinya Mereka akan mengirim sebuah hadiah.
  36. (Kalimat Pasif) A prize will have been sent by them artinya sebuah hadiah akan dikirim oleh mereka.
  37. (Kalimat Aktif) Diego will have sung this song artinya Diego akan menyanyikan lagu ini.
  38. (Kalimat Pasif) This song will have been sung by Diego artinya Lagu ini akan dinyanyikan oleh Diego.
  39. (Kalimat Aktif) You will have given these toys artinya Kamu akan memberikan mainan-mainan ini.
  40. (Kalimat Pasif) These toys will have been given by you artinya mainan ini akan diberikan oleh anda.

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