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27 Examples of Sentences Using the Word “Help.”


What Does Help Mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, in the form of a verb, the definition of help /help/ is to make it easier for (someone) to do something by offering services or resources. Serve someone with (food or drink).

In noun form, the definition of help /help/ is the action of helping someone to do something; assistance.

In the form of an exclamation, the definition of help /help/ is used as an appeal for urgent assistance.

27 Examples of Sentences Using the Word "Help."
Gambar 1.0. Examples of Sentences with Help

Here are 27 examples of sentences using the word help. If you have questions, please ask via the column below.

  1. We want them to help victims of natural disasters in the Brantas River.
  2. I am ready to help the victims of the earthquake in Aceh.
  3. Abdullah is ready to help tsunami victims in Palu.
  4. He will help victims of the eruption of Mount Kelud in Kediri.
  5. This much assistance is needed to help victims of the smoke of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta.
  6. Whoever helps others will get a reward from his Lord.
  7. If you help, then do it selflessly.
  8. How to help people who are beyond our reach.
  9. He will not help until he is given as much help as he has.
  10. We intend to help children who are studying mathematics at home.
  11. This help can help you face the month of Ramadan this year.
  12. Hopefully, this jacket and clothes can help you from the cold at night.
  13. Hopefully, this prayer rug and sarong can help you to worship your God more and more.
  14. We believe their soldiers will only willingly help some people here.
  15. I wonder if this tree can help you from the heat and rain.
  16. This zinc can help us from the hot sun and rain during the rainy season.
  17. We hope God helps us when making a living outside the home.
  18. This book will help us as we seek lessons in English.
  19. Your website can help those studying Indonesian abroad.
  20.  Can this phone help you communicate with your parents?
  21. I wonder if this phone can help me deal with my parents.
  22.  I will make a video containing an invitation to help parents in trouble.
  23.  I will write an article with teachings to help others sincerely.
  24.  No, I didn’t help him alone.
  25. Whoever helps Allah’s religion will undoubtedly be helped by Allah.
  26. When do you want to help and visit Farida, who is sick in the hospital?
  27. We will help the boy who was hit as soon as possible.

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