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25 Contoh Soal How Much dan How Many Essay di Bahasa Inggris


 Di dalam bahasa inggris terdapat aturan penulisan, seperti countable dan uncountable noun, sebagaimana kata many dan much, Kata many berfungsi menghitung countable noun atau suatu kata benda/jumlah yang bisa dihitung. Seperti pen, book, car, dan lain sebagainya.

25 Contoh Soal How Much dan How Many Essay di Bahasa Inggris
Gambar 1.0. Contoh Soal how Much dan How Many di bahasa Inggrus

sedangkan much berfungsi menghitung uncountable noun seperti profit, money, gas, dan lain sebagainya, kata many dan much dapat diawali dengan kalimat tanya how menjadi how many atau how much yang fungsinya untuk menanyakan suatu jumlah/kuantitas. Untuk memahami penggunaan how much dan how many, bisa anda lihat pada link berikut

1. Contoh Kalimat How Many di bahasa Inggris

2. Contoh Kalimat How Much di Bahasa Inggris

Berikut adalah 25 contoh soal how much dan how many dalam bentuk essay, anda bisa memasukkan manakah di dalam kolom yang sesuai untuk kalimat tersebut, kami sudah menyediakan kunci jawaban di bagian bawah soal, namun kami menyarankan kepada anda supaya anda mengerjakan soal ini sebisanya untuk mengukur kemampuan anda tentang penggunaan how much dan how many di bahasa inggris, apabila saudara mempunyai pertanyaan silakan tulis melalui kolom komentar di bawah

  1. How … skirts does Sarah have in the cupboard?  (much/many)
  2. How … sugar should I add to your tea? (much/many)
  3. How … mangoes are there in the Kediri primary market? (much/many)
  4. We don’t know how … co2 gas is in his room. (much/many)
  5. We are calculating how … profit Syamsuddin earned while there. (much/many)
  6. We are counting how … people are employed in their office. (much/many) 
  7. Tamara can’t say how … it costs Ramzan to study in Surabaya. (much/many)
  8. How … books did you buy at Gramedia bookstore? (much/many)
  9. How … does it cost to fly from Surabaya to Jakarta now? (much/many)
  10. How … times have you lost a marathon at the provincial level. (much/many)  
  11. We’ll ask how … furniture Sarah’s mother bought. (much/many)
  12. How … rice did he eat today?  (much/many)
  13. How … does it cost to rent a car?  (much/many)
  14. How … people fell in the Brantas River in Kediri? (much/many)
  15. Why haven’t you calculated how … it costs to build your house? (much/many)
  16. He wants to know how … sugar you eat every day. (much/many)  
  17. How … videos have you uploaded on your youtube channel?  (much/many)
  18. How … does registering at the Gus Baha Islamic boarding school cost? (much/many)
  19. We have asked how … the registration fee is at the Krapyak Islamic Boarding School in Yogyakarta. (much/many)
  20. The teachers couldn’t count how … information they got from the school library. (much/many)
  21. How … papayas are in your garden? (much/many)
  22. We don’t know how … times he visited our office. (much/many)  
  23. How … did you win in the provincial level badminton competition? (much/many
  24. How … of you ever been to Surabaya? (much/many)
  25. How … time does it take to cook bread in their place? (much/many)

Kunci Jawaban Soal How Much dan How Many Essay

  1. How many skirts does Sarah have in the cupboard? 
  2. How much sugar should I add to your tea? 
  3. How many mangoes are there in the Kediri primary market? 
  4. We don’t know how much co2 gas is in his room
  5. We are calculating how much profit Syamsuddin earned while there.
  6. We are counting how many people are employed in their office 
  7. Tamara can’t say how much it costs Ramzan to study in Surabaya.
  8. How many books did you buy at Gramedia bookstore? 
  9. How much does it cost to fly from Surabaya to Jakarta now? 
  10. How many times have you lost a marathon at the provincial level 
  11. We’ll ask how much furniture Sarah’s mother bought.
  12. How much rice did he eat today? 
  13. How much does it cost to rent a car? 
  14. How many people fell in the Brantas River in Kediri?
  15. Why haven’t you calculated how much it costs to build your house?
  16. He wants to know how much sugar you eat every day 
  17. How many videos have you uploaded on your youtube channel? 
  18. How much does registering at the Gus Baha Islamic boarding school cost? 
  19. We have asked how much the registration fee is at the Krapyak Islamic Boarding School in Yogyakarta.
  20. The teachers couldn’t count how much information they got from the school library.
  21. How many papayas are in your garden? 
  22. We don’t know how many times he visited our office 
  23. How much did you win in the provincial level badminton competition?
  24. How many of you ever been to Surabaya? 
  25. How much time does it take to cook bread in their place? 

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