Sebelum saudara mengerjakan soal possessive adjective essay, hendaknya saudara sudah memahami dahulu pengertian dan contoh possessive adjective pada tulisan sebelumnya. Karena tanpa memahami dan mempelajari terlebih dahulu materinya anda zkan kesulitan di dalam mengerjakan soal latihan Possessive Adjective essay.
Baca :
1. Pengertian dan Contoh Possessive Adjective
Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Possessive Adjective adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus mumpuni.
Cara kedua supaya memudahkan di dalam mengerjakan soal Possessive Adjective dalam bentuk essay, yakni dengan sering anda mengerjakan latihan dan belajar terus menerus tentang penggunaan Possessive Adjective di dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan sering berlatih maka kemampuan anda di dalam mengerjakan soal Possessive Adjective akan lebih mahir.
Gambar 1.0. Contoh Soal Possessive Adjective |
Berikut adalah 25 contoh Soal Possesive Adjective Essay dan Jawabannya. Terdapat pilihan di dalam kurung, pilihlah mana yang sesuai untuk dimasukkan di dalam titik kosong tersebut. Apabila saudara mempunyai pertanyaan dan saran silakan tulis melalui kolom komentar di bawah :
- … shoes is as cheap as your shoes. (they/your/you/my)
- Write this in ,,, book and sent it to me after that. (they/your/you/my)
- ,,, eyes is very beautiful, because of that I love her so much. (my/his/her)
- We will buy ,,, car because he will sell it very cheap. (my/his/their)
- He knocks ,,, door very strong usually, so I am very upset. (my/his/their)
- this is ,,, mathematics book. So it is yours. (your/his/their)
- Give me some money, so I will pay this bill with ,,, money first. (your/his/their)
- I will not forget Faradilla, Because i ever fallen in love with … (her/his/their)
- . … parents didn’t give them affection. So they will be bad children. (her/his/their)
- Ustadz Abdush Shomad is standing in front of our body, so don’t be busy. (her/his/our)
- Their music is so beautiful, so I will buy this music. (they/she/their)
- Samsul made this video last month, ,,, video will be published on youtube next month. (her/his/their)
- Abdullah married annisa last week, so Annisa is ,,, wife now. (her/his/their)
- Abdullah is reading Al qur’an, so I will listen … sound (her/his/their)
- Don’t take… computer, it is mine, (her/my/their)
- He has a cat, ,, color is brown and white. (her/his/its)
- She has cooked a bread very delicious, She will sell it for ,,, consumer. (her/his/their)
- Gilberth and Ghofur are germany, ,,.,parents from Berlin. (your/our/their)
- Bambang have bought this horse last month, Now this is ,,,horse. (your/his/their)
- They made this song very hard, So we will appreciate ,,,song . (my/their/Your)
- ,,, mother tell me not to be angry, So I will remember what did she say. (my/I/You)
- … coconut tree is very big, he planted it 3 years ago. (your/our/his)
- ,,,. Arabic teacher is Arabic people, so we will learn Arabic from native. (your/our/their)
- I will visit ,,, house tonight, because I want to say something to you. (your/my/their)
- I saw your dog run to my house last night. It very annoying..(your/you/they)
Berikut Kunci Jawaban Soal Possesive Adjective Essay, adapaun warna kuning kami berikan kepada kunci jawaban untuk memudahkan di dalam mempelajarinya.
- My shoes is as cheap as your shoes;.
- Write this in your book and sent it to me after that.
- her eyes is very beautiful, because of that I love her so much.
- We will buy his car because he will sell it very cheap.
- He knocks my door very strong usually, so I am very upset.
- this is your mathematics book. So it is yours.
- Give me some money, so I will pay this bill with your money first.
- I will not forget Faradilla, Because i ever fallen in love with her love
- Their parents didn’t give them affection. So they will be bad children
- Ustadz Abdush Shomad is standing in front of our body, so don’t be busy.
- Their music is so beautiful, so I will buy this music.
- Samsul made this video last month, his video will be published on youtube next month.
- Abdullah married annisa last week, so Annisa is his wife now.
- Abdullah is reading Al qur’an, so I will listen his sound
- Don’t take my computer, it is mine,
- He has a cat, its color is brown and white.
- She has cooked a bread very delicious, She will sell it for her consumer.
- Gilberth and Ghofur are germany, their parents from Berlin.
- Bambang have bought this horse last month, Now this is his horse.
- They made this song very hard, So we will appreciate their song .
- My mother tell me not to be angry, So I will remember what did she say.
- His coconut tree is very big, he planted it 3 years ago.
- Our Arabic teacher is Arabic people, so we will learn Arabic from native.
- I will visit your house tonight, because I want to say something to you.
- I saw your dog run to my house last night. It very annoying.
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