
Mode Gelap
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Contoh Soal Wh-Question (Question Word) Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya


Question word atau WH-Question adalah kalimat Tanya yang berfungsi untuk mendapatkan informasi dengan menggunakan kata Tanya (question word) Seperti kalimat siapakah nama anda (what is your name?).Dimana anda tinggal sekarang. (where do you live now?).  information question akan selalu anda temukan dan gunakan ketika menggunakan bahasa inggris baik dalam bentuk percakapan atau tulisan,

Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Question word atau wh-questions dalam bentuk pilihan ganda adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus mumpuni.

Beberapa fungsi dan contoh dari Question word atau wh-question adalah sebagai berikut

  1. Who berfungsi untuk menanyakan subjek pada pertanyaan, ini menunjukkan pada nama orang. Seperti who writes this book? Andrea hirata
  2. Whom berfungsi untuk menanyakan objek pada preposisi, contoh : Whom did you love? My mother 
  3. When berfungsi untuk menanyakan keterangan waktu, contoh : when will you marry? I will Marry on Januari 2022
  4. Where berfungsi untuk menanyakan tempat, contoh : where do you live? I live in Bekasi.
  5. Why berfungsi untuk menanyakan alasan, contoh : Why do you love me? Because you are pretty
Contoh Soal Wh-Question (Question Word) Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya
Gambar 1.0. Contoh Soal WH.-Question Pilihan ganda

Berikut adalah 25 contoh Soal Wh-Question atau (Question Word) dalam bentuk pilihan ganda, adapun kunci jawaban soal berada di akhir soal. Apabila anda mempunyai pertanyaan dan keluhan tentang soal-soal di bawah ini, silahkan tulis di kolom komentar di bawah atau melalui laman kontak.

Contoh Soal Wh-Question (Question Word) Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

Choose the correct answet from a,b,c,d below.

1) … did you eat? I ate banana 

a). what c.) how much

b). why d.) where

2) … did you see? I saw a cat

a.)what c.) how much

b.)why d.) where

3) … cat does she have? She has two cats

a.)what c.) how many

b.)why d.) how much

4) … are they? They are fifty years old

a.)what c.) how much

b.)why d.) how old

5) … countries did you visit? Morocco and Japan

a.)what c.) how much

b.)why d.) where

6) … he need? He needs a money

a.)what does c.) how much

b.)why does d.) what will

7) … indana doing? Indana is selling toys

a.)what does c.) how does

b.)what is d.) what will

8) … did he come? He came eight o’clock morning

a.) what time           c.) what will

b.) what’s time d.) when time

9) … you do last night? I studied English

a.) what did c.) what will

b.) what does d.) How do

10) … She write? She will write a poem

a.) what did c.) what will

b.) what does d.) How do

11) … is his uniform? Red and white

a.) what did c.) what will

b.) what color d.) How do color

12) … has Faradilla been here? Three hours

a.) How are c.) How long

b.) How does d.) How much

13) … do you live? I live in Tarakan

a.) what c.) how much

b.) why d.) where

14) … is to Samarinda from Tarakan? Maybe, 200 kilometers

a.) How many c.) How far

b.) How do         d.) How much

15) … comes to visit Rahma? Abdullah and Ali

a.)what c.) who

b.)why d.) where

16) … writes in this whiteboard? Faradilla and Farida

a.)what c.) who

b.)why d.) where

17) … this cake? Suti and Sumarni

a.)who makes c.) who has make

b.)who made d.) what makes

18) … you see? I saw John

a.)whom did c.) who had

b.)who did d.) what did

19) … they come? They will come on Sunday

a.)when will c.) whom will

b.)who will d.) what will

20) … you say this? Because I was hungry

a.)when did c.) whom did

b.)who did d.) why did

21) … they go to there? Because they worked in there

a.)when did c.) whom did

b.)who did d.) why did

22) … book do you have? The big one

a.)what c.) which

b.)why d.) where

23) … do you want? The green one

a.)what is c.) which one

b.)why does d.) where one

24) … house did you rent? Aminah’s house

a.)what c.) which

b.)whose d.) where

25) … is this? It is hers

a.)what laptop c.) which laptop

b.)whose laptop d.) where laptop

Kunci Jawaban Soal Wh-Question (Question Word) Pilihan Ganda 

1. a). What

2. a.) What

3. c.) How many

4. d.) How old

5. a.) What

6. a.) What does

7. b.) What is

8. a.) What time

9. a.) What did

10. c.) What will

11. b.) What color

12. c.) How long

13. d.) Where

14. c.) How far

15. c.) Who

16. c.) Who

17. a.) Who makes

18. a.) Whom did

19. a.) When will

20. d.) Why did

21. d.) Why did

22. c.) Which

23. c.) Which one

24. b.) Whose

25. b.) Whose laptop

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