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22 Example sentences with the word match Arti Kata Membangkitkan Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Arti Kata Terbangkit Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Contoh kalimat peribahasa dengan kata membangkit Arti Kata Membangkit Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Arti Kata Bangkit Hatinya Menurut KBBI


Contoh Soal Wh-Question (Question Word) Essay dan Jawabannya


Question Word atau WH-Question adalah kalimat Tanya yang berfungsi untuk mendapatkan informasi dengan menggunakan kata Tanya (question word) Seperti kalimat apa yang akan kamu makan (what will you eat?). Berapa lama tinggal di sini (How long has been here?).  Question word akan selalu anda temukan dan gunakan ketika menggunakan bahasa inggris baik dalam bentuk percakapan atau tulisan,

Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Question word atau wh-questions dalam bentuk essay adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus mumpuni.

Beberapa fungsi dan Contoh dari Wh-Wuestion (Question word) adalah sebagai berikut

  1. Who berfungsi untuk menanyakan subjek pada pertanyaan, ini menunjukkan pada nama orang. Seperti who writes this book? Andrea hirata
  2. Whom berfungsi untuk menanyakan objek pada preposisi, contoh : Whom did you love? My mother 
  3. When berfungsi untuk menanyakan keterangan waktu, contoh : when will you marry? I will Marry on Januari 2022
  4. Where berfungsi untuk menanyakan tempat, contoh : Where do you live? I live in Bekasi.
  5. Why berfungsi untuk menanyakan alasan, contoh : Why do you love me? Because you are pretty
  6. Whose berfungsi untuk menanyakan kepemilikan, contoh : Whose laptop is this? Margaret’s
  7. Which berfungsi untuk menanyakan sesuatu untuk memilih dari jumlah tertentu, contoh : Which pen do you buy? The blue pen 
  8. What berfungsi untuk menanyakan subjek. Objek dan aktifitas seseorang, contoh : What did you do last night? I wrote poem.
  9. How berfungsi untuk menanyakan keadaan, jumlah, waktu, frekuensi dan jarak. Contoh : How often do you speak English at home? Twelve times

Berikut adalah 25 contoh soal Wh-Question atau information question dalam bentuk essay, adapun kunci jawaban soal berada di akhir soal. Apabila anda mempunyai pertanyaan dan keluhan tentang soal-soal di bawah ini, silahkan tulis di kolom komentar di bawah atau melalui laman kontak.

Contoh Soal Wh-Question Essay dan Jawabannya

Fill this blank with the true answer. 

1. … table is this? It is aminah’s 

2. … time did they go? They went nine o’clock morning

3. … did we see? we saw a snake

4. … old are You? you are forty years old

5. … do they stay? They stay in Makassar

6. … one do you want? The brown one

7. … make this bread? Farida and Faradilla 

8. … is Amalia doing? Amalia is selling pens

9. … many cows does he have? He has five cows

10. … did he do last night? He wrote English story

11. … does Ani need? Ani needs a fruit

12. … countries did they visit? Vietnam and Korea 

13. … did you throw? You threw stone 

14. … colors are his house? White and pink

15. … long has Abdillah been here? Four months

16. … will they plant? They will plant a coconut

17. … far is to Surabaya from Malang? Maybe, 110 kilometers

18. … come to visit Rizal? Jamal and Hasan

19. … house did you rent? Aminah’s house

20. … did they see? they saw Rudianto

21. … will he come? He will come on Wednesday

22. … did Ani give this? Because She loved you

23. … did  Samsul paint this house? Because he stayed in this house.

24. … write in this whiteboard? Faradilla and Farida

25. … book do you have? The big one

Kunci Jawaban Soal Wh Question (Question word) Essay, 

Adapun kata Tanya yang menunjukkan jawaban kami beri warna kuning supaya memudahkan di dalam mempelajari dan memahaminya

1. Whose table is this? It is aminah’s 

2. What time did they go? They went nine o’clock morning

3. What did we see? We saw a snake

4. How old are You? You are forty years old

5. Where do they stay? They stay in Makassar

6. Which one do you want? The brown one

7. Who make this bread? Farida and Faradilla 

8. What is Amalia doing? Amalia is selling pens

9. How many cows does he have? He has five cows

10. What did he do last night? He wrote English story

11. What does Ani need? Ani needs a fruit

12. What countries did they visit? Vietnam and Korea 

13. What did you throw? I threw stone 

14. What colors are his house? White and pink

15. How long has Abdillah been here? Four months

16. What will they plant? They will plant a coconut

17. How far is to Surabaya from Malang? Maybe, 110 kilometers

18. Who come to visit Rizal? Jamal and Hasan

19. Whose house did you rent? Aminah’s house

20. Whom did they see? they saw Rudianto

21. When will he come? He will come on Wednesday

22. Why did Ani give this? Because She loved you

23. Why did Samsul paint this house? Because he stayed in this house.

24. Who write in this whiteboard? Faradilla and Farida

25. Which book do you have? The big one

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