Saudara bisa berpindah ke contoh soal bahasa inggris yang lain, semisal setelah mengerjakan latihan soal passive voice pilihan ganda, kemudian ingin berlatih soal direct indirect atau conditional sentence, dengan mengklik menu dropdown “Daftar Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris” di bawah, semoga membantu anda.
Direct and Inderect Speech adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat langsung atau tidak langsung seperti Contoh kalimat berikut, Indana bercerita : “Saya akan mencintai mu selamanya”. (Indana told, “I will love you, forever”.)” Maka kalimat tersebut adalah contoh direct speech, adapun kalimat tidak langsungnya atau indirect speech adalah indana bercerita bahwa dia akan mencintaimu selamanya. (Indana told that She would love you forever). kata bahwa pada kalimat kedua menunjukkan kalimat tersebut adalah kalimat tidak langsung (indirect speech).
Baca Juga :
1. Pengertian Direct and Indirect Speech dan Contoh Kalimatnya
Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Direct and Indirect Speech dalam bentuk essay adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus mumpuni.
Cara kedua supaya memudahkan di dalam mengerjakan mengerjakan soal direct and indirect speech dalam bentuk essay, yakni dengan sering anda mengerjakan latihan dan belajar terus menerus tentang penggunaan direct and indirect speech di dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan sering berlatih maka kemampuan anda di dalam mengerjakan soal direct and indirect speech akan lebih mahir.
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Tabel 1.0. Contoh soal direct and indirect speech essay |
1. Direct Speech : Tantri said, “Amalia is fine”.
Indirect Speech: …
2. Direct Speech : Indana told, “I will love you, forever”.
Indirect Speech : …
3. Direct Speech : Dono said,”My wife likes your clothes”.
Indirect Speech : …
4. Direct Speech : They said to me,”We are looking for you today”.
Indirect Speech: …
5. Direct Speech : They asked Rudi. “Is this boy ugly?”
Indirect Speech : …
6. Direct Speech : Hartanto said to Muqoddas “I visited Tarakan yesterday”
Indirect Speech : …
7. Direct Speech : Tamara asked Benny, “Do you want go to Surabaya?”.
Indirect Speech : …
8. Direct Speech : Laura said to Desy, “Save your bag in this desk!”
Indirect Speech: …
9. Direct Speech : Habib said to Saiful,”Gather in meeting room today!”
Indirect Speech : …
10. Direct Speech : Our friend said,”Give safety to our prophet, Muhammad!”
Indirect Speech : …
11. Direct Speech : Brina said. “I will propose this company next month.”
Indirect Speech : …
12. Direct Speech : Safrudin has told, “Aminah will angry with you.”
Indirect Speech : …
13. Direct Speech : Geisa and pasha said,”We will come to your home tomorrow.”
Indirect Speech : …
14. Direct Speech : Iis Dahlia said to me, “I am very sad, because my mother has gone.”
Indirect Speech : …
15. Direct Speech : Romli said,”Dont Keep your angry in your heart!”
Indirect Speech : …
16. Direct Speech : They said “ We will visit your country next month”
Indirect Speech : …
17. Direct Speech : Aminah told “ Rizqi got accident in Juata street last month”
Indirect Speech : …
18. Direct Speech : Boby said “I didn’t know where Romi will go”
Indirect Speech : …
19. Direct Speech : Rifqi said “I listens radio every night”
Indirect Speech : …
20. Direct Speech : Sabrina said to Saiful “ I want to marry with you”
IS : …
21. Direct Speech : Messi and Neymar said “We will be top scorer in this league”
Indirect Speech : …
22. Direct Speech : Teacher said to his student “Don’t give up to reach our dreams!”
Indirect Speech : …
23. Direct Speech : Tamara told “Your plant will get sick”
Indirect Speech : …
24. Direct Speech : TV News told to audiens “Madura got typhoons last Sunday so many houses has broken”
Indirect Speech : …
25. Direct Speech : Fitri said to me “Ilzam, Can I borrow your book, I will give back soon”
Indirect Speech : …
26. Direct Speech : Didi Kempot said “You have studied English in Pare last year”
Indirect Speech : …
27. Direct Speech : Rizqia told to Ilzami “I will be your wife next year”
Indirect Speech : …
28. Direct Speech : Governor told to peoples “We will pay tax in August this year”
Indirect Speech : …
29. Direct Speech : Saiful said to Surti “Will you go to Balikpapan next week?”
Indirect Speech : …
30. Direct Speech : Toldo said to his player “ Keep your spirit until the end of this game”
Indirect Speech : …
1. indirect speech : Tantri said that Amalia was fine
2. indirect speech : Indana told that She would love you,forever
3. indirect speech: Dono said that his wife liked my clothes
4. indirect speech : They said to me that they were looking for you that day
5. indirect speech : They asked Rudi whether this baoy was ugly?
6. indirect speech : Harianto said to Muqoddas that he had visited Tarakan the day before.
7. indirect speech : Tamara asked Benny if he wanted go to Surabaya.
8. indirect speech : Laura said to Desy to save her bag in this desk.
9. indirect speech : Habib said to Saiful to gather in meeting room that day.
10. indirect speech : Our friend said that to give safety to their prophet Muhammad.
11. indirect speech : Brina said that she would propose this company the month after
12. indirect speech : Safrudin has told that Aminah would angry with me.
13. indirect speech : Geisha and Pasha said that they would come to my house the following day
14. indirect speech : Iis Dahlia said to me that She was very sad, because her mother had gone.
15. indirect speech : Romli said that not to keep my angry in my heart.
16. indirect speech: They said that they would visit my country the month after.
17. indirect speech : Aminah told that Rizqi had gotten accident in Juata street the month before.
18. indirect speech : Boby said that he hadn’t knowm where Romi would go.
19. indirect speech : Rifqi said that He listened radio every night.
20. indirect speech: Sabrina said to Saiful that She wanted to marry with him.
21. indirect speech : Messi and Neymar said that they would be top scorer in this league.
22. indirect speech: Teacher said to his student that not to give up to reach their dreams.
23. indirect speech: Tamara told that my plant would get sick.
24. indirect speech : TV News told to audiens that madura have gotten typhoons following Sunday so many house had broken.
25. indirect speech : Fitri said to me that Ilzam, could she borrowed my book, She would give back soon.
26. indirect speech : Didi kempot said that I had studied English in Pare the following year.
27. indirect speech : Rizqia told to Ilzami that She would be my wife the year after.
28. indirect speech : Governor told to peoples that they would pay tax in August this year.
29. indirect speech : Saiful said to Surti whether She would go to Balikpapan the week after.
30. indirect speech : Toldo said to his player to keep his spirit until the end of this game