
Mode Gelap
An Nazi’at Ayat 23 Latin, Tafsir dan Artinya An Nazi’at Ayat 22 Latin, Tafsir dan Artinya An Nazi’at Ayat 21 Latin, Tafsir dan Artinya Rumah Dikontrakkan di belakang Stadion Datu Adil Tarakan Arti Kata Membaik Menurut KBBI dan Contoh Kalimatnya Arti Kata Berbaik-baikan Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI)


Contoh Kalimat Operasi Matematika Di Dalam Bahasa Inggris


Apa itu Operasi Matematika?

Kita mengenal perhitungan operasi matematika seperti penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian dan pembagian, Di dalam bahasa inggris maka kita akan sering menemukan kalimat tersebut di dalam penulisan atau percakapan, berikut adalah pengertian dan definisi operasi matematika di dalam bahasa inggris, 

  1. Penjumlahan adalah addition
  2. Pengurangan adalah subtraction
  3. Perkalian adalah multiplication
  4. Pembagian adalah division
Contoh Operasi Matematika di Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Tabel 1.0. Contoh Operasi Matematika di dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Kalimat Operasi Matematika Dan Pengertiannya

Berikut adalah contoh kalimat operasi matematika seperti penjumlahan, penulisan sama dengan adalah bisa menggunakan are, equals, is.

  1. 10 + 25 = 35, ten and twenty five are thirty five, ten and twenty five equals thirty five, ten and twenty five is thirty five
  2. 20 + 43 = 63, twenty plus forty three are sixty three, twenty plus forty three equals sixty three, twenty plus forty three is sixty three
  3. 53 + 41 = 94, fifty three plus forty one are ninety four, fifty three plus forty one equals ninety four, fifty three plus forty one is ninety four
  4. 21 + 43 = 64, twenty one plus forty three are sixty four,  twenty one plus forty three equals  sixty four, twenty one plus forty three is sixty four.
  5. 35 + 21 = 56, thirty five plus twenty one are fifty six,  thirty five plus twenty one equals fifty six, thirty five plus twenty one is fifty six.
  6. 42 + 27 = 69, forty two plus twenty seven are sixty nine, forty two plus twenty seven equals  sixty nine, forty two plus twenty seven is sixty nine.

Subtraction (Pengurangan)

    Cara menuliskan pengurangan di dalam bahasa inggris adalah dengan menuliskannya minus,

    1. 46 – 21 = 25, forty six minus twenty one equals twenty five, forty six minus twenty one is twenty five
    2. 82 – 14 = 68, Eighty two minus fourteen equals sixty eight, Eighty two minus fourteen is sixty eight
    3. 74 – 32 = 42, Seventy four minus thirty two equals forty two, Seventy four minus thirty two is forty two
    4. 98 – 61 = 37, ninety eight minus sixty one equals thirty seven, ninety eight minus sixty one is thirty seven
    5. 87 – 43 = 44, Eighty seven minus forty three equals forty four, Eighty seven minus forty three is forty four

    Multiplication (Perkalian)

      Cara menuliskan perkalian di dalam bahasa inggris adalah dengan menuliskannya multiplied,

      1. 12 x 5 = 60, twelve multiplied by five is sixty, twelve times five equals sixty, , twelve times five is sixty
      2. 10 x 14 = 140, ten multiplied by fourteen is one hundred and forty, ten times fourteen equals one hundred and forty, ten times fourteen is one hundred and forty
      3. 7 x 10 = 70, seven multiplied by ten is seventy, seven times ten equals seventy,  seven times ten is seventy
      4. 12 x 8 = 96, twelve multiplied by eight is ninety six, twelve times eight equals ninety six, twelve times  eight is ninety six
      5. 9 x 15 = 135, nine multiplied by fifteen is one hundred and thirty five,  nine times fifteen equals one hundred and thirty five, nine times fifteen is one hundred and thirty five

      Division (Pembagian)

      Cara menuliskan pembagian di dalam bahasa inggris adalah dengan menuliskannya divided,

      1. 60 : 5 = 12, Sixty divided by five equals twelve,  Sixty divided by five is twelve
      2. 90 : 15 = 6, ninety divided by fifteen equals six, ninety divided by fifteen is six
      3. 84 : 4 = 21, Eighty four divided by four equals twenty one, Eighty four divided by four is twenty one
      4. 93 : 3 = 31, Ninety three divided by three equals thirty one, Ninety three divided by three is thirty one
      5. 80 : 10 = 8, Eighty divided by ten equals eight, Eighty divided by ten is eight

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