Causative Verb adalah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyuruh orang lain melakukan sesuatu,. seperti Contoh kalimat berikut, Saya menyuruh baju saya dibersihkan (I had my clothes cleaned). Guru itu menyuruh muridnya belajar giat. (The Teacher makes his student study hard). kami menyarankan anda membaca dan memahami materi causative verb terlebih dahulu sebelum mengerjakan contoh soal causative verb pilihan ganda di bawah
20 contoh causative verb dan pengertiannya
Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Causative Verb dalam bentuk pilihan ganda adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus mumpuni.
Cara kedua supaya memudahkan di dalam mengerjakan soal Causative Verb dalam bentuk pilihan ganda, yakni dengan sering anda mengerjakan latihan dan belajar terus menerus tentang penggunaan Causative Verb di dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan sering berlatih maka kemampuan anda di dalam mengerjakan soal Causative verb akan lebih mahir.
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Tabel 1.0. Contoh Soal Causative Verb Pilihan Ganda |
1. Rizal talked something with Rossa, Rizal made Rossa (receive) … his proposal.
a. To receive. b. Will receive c Receipt d. Receive
2. Rudi went to mechanic, He had his motorcycle (repair) …
a. To repair b.will repair c.repaired d. repair
3. Tamara has bought a new house, She got her house (clean) … . She will live in there.
a. To clean b. Will clean c.cleaned d. clean
4. Yanto will visit Kuala Lumpur next year, Yanto made someone (accompany) … him.
a. To accompany c. accompanied b. Will accompany d. accompany
5. Mr. Agus Sofian got sick last week, Doctor had this medicine (drink) … every day.
a. to drink b.will drink c.drunk d. drink
6. Sulaiman touched my shoulder, He had his bag (bring) … to his table.
a. to bring b.will bring c. brought d. bring
7. Diego given Andika a bread, because Andika had diego (buy) … to him
a. to buy b.will buy c. bought d. buy
8. Don’t say “Uhh..” to your parents!. Because the Almighty had us (appreciate) .. our parents.
a. To appreciate c. appreciated b. Will appreciate d. appreciate
9. Samsul went to mosque yesterday, His teacher gave message to him, that he got his good clothes (use) ..
a. to use b.will use c.used. d. use
10. Fatimah met Andini last week, Fatimah got Andini (show) … her promise.
a. to show b.will show c.shown d. show
11. Promise is like debt, So you had everyone (fullfill) … their promise.
a. to fullfill b.will fullfill c. fullfilled d. fullfill
12. Toni had received his salary last week. Mr. Samsul made Toni (give) … 2.5% of his salary to them.
a. to give b.will give c. given d. give
13. Suprapto built something in Tarakan. Suprapto had Panji (announce) … to his neighbour in Java. a. to announce b.will announce c. announced d. announce
14. Lia wrote something in paper, She had me (correct) … it.
a. to correct b.will correct c. corrected d.correct
15. Actually, I met Panji yesterday. Panji gave knowledge to me, He had my self (plant) … my field
a. to plant b.will plant c. planted d. plant
16. Singosari became the big kingdom in Java. Prapanca made this history (write) …
a. to write b.will write c.written d. write
17. Tamada found something in this city, Tamada had you (take) …. it.
a. to take b. will take c. taken d. take
18. Aikawa used this clothes yesterday. Actually, You had someone (make) … this clothes.
a. to make b.will make c. made d. make
19. Ridho saw the beautiful scenery in the sky, He had me (say) … something.
a. to say b.will say c. said d. say
20. Aminah is wearing a beautiful scarf, I had Ridwan (see) … her.
a. to see b.will see c. seen d. see
21. Rouf told that he is confusing, I had Rouf (look for) … true friend.
a. to look for b.will look for c. looked for d. look for
22. A salary will be receipt next week, Someone had his money (save) … in the bank.
a. to save b.will save c. saved d. save
23. I found cobra in the yard last week, I had Samsul (kill) … this snake.
a. to kill b.will kill c. killed d. kill
24. Rudi told me that he was dissapointed with her wife, I had Rudi (meet) … her parents.
a. to meet b.will meet c. met d. meet
25. Fasting will controll your angry, fasting will discipline your stomach. So, I made my friends (do) … this activity
a. to do b.will do c. done d. do
26. Dont give up!, I had yourself (ask) … to your God, The god will reply it.
a. to ask b.will ask c. asked d. ask
27. The windy is so fast, I had the door (close) ….
a. to close b.will close c.closed d. close
28. Mr. Ridwan will marry again next year. You had Mr. Ridwan (keep) … his promise.
a. to keep b.will keep c. kept d. keep
29. I made Nurhaliza (sing) … in my wedding.
a. to sing b.will sing c.sung d. sing
30. Rusli want to be goalkeeper. The coach had this gloves (use) … in next game.
a. to use b.will use c.used d. Use
Kunci Jawaban Soal Causative Verb Pilihan Ganda
1. D 6.C 11.D 16.C 21.D 26.D
2. D 7.D 12.D 17.D 22.C 27.C
3. A 8.D 13.D 18.D 23.D 28.D
4. D 9.C 14.D 19.D 24.D 29.D
5. C 10.A 15.D 20.D 25.D 30.C