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22 Example sentences with the word match Arti Kata Membangkitkan Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Arti Kata Terbangkit Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Contoh kalimat peribahasa dengan kata membangkit Arti Kata Membangkit Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Arti Kata Bangkit Hatinya Menurut KBBI


30 Contoh Soal Passive Voice Pilihan ganda dan jawabannya


Saudara bisa berpindah ke contoh soal bahasa inggris yang lain, semisal setelah mengerjakan latihan soal passive voice pilihan ganda, kemudian ingin berlatih soal direct indirect atau conditional sentence, dengan mengklik menu dropdown “Daftar Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris” di bawah, semoga membantu anda.

Passive Voice adalah kalimat pasif di dalam bahasa inggris, Passive Voice berfungsi untuk menyatakan kalimat pasif. seperti Contoh kalimat berikut, Saya di tolong oleh Fadan (I was helped by fadan), Kami diberi uang oleh orang tua kami. (We were left money by our parents). Kami menyarankan anda membaca materi passive voice di bawah ini terlebih dahulu sebelum mengerjakan contoh soal passive voice, supaya anda tidak mengalami kesulitan di dalm mengerjakannya

Baca Juga :

1. Contoh Passive Voice Positif dan Pengertiannya

2. Contoh Passive Voice Negatif dan Rumusnya

3. Contoh Passive Voice Interrogative dan Rumusnya 

Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Passive Voice dalam bentuk pilihan ganda adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal tersebut, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus lengkap.

Cara kedua supaya bisa mengerjakan soal Passive Voice dalam bentuk pilihan ganda, yakni dengan sering anda mengerjakan latihan dan belajar terus menerus tentang penggunaan Passive Voice di dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan sering berlatih maka kemampuan anda di dalam mengerjakan soal Passive Voice akan lebih mahir. 

Contoh soal passive voice pilihan ganda dan jawabannya
Tabel 1.0. Contoh Soal Passive Voice Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

Berikut adalah 30 contoh soal Passive Voice dalam bentuk pilihan ganda, adapun kunci jawaban soal berada di akhir soal, Apabila saudara merasa kurang nyaman dengan iklan yang anda maka sebaiknya anda membeli buku latihan soal bahasa inggris dengan harga terjangkau, hanya Rp 11.000, dengan membeli buku latihan soal maka anda bisa mempelajari berbagai jenis latihan soal secara runut dan tertib.

Choose the Correct Answer About Passive Voice!!!. 

1. He tells the lie stories 

a. The lie stories is being told by him b. The lie stories has been told by him 

c. The lie stories was told by him d. The lie stories is told by him 

2. My mother drove the car in the morning 

a. The car was droven by my mother in the morning 

b. The car was being droven by my mother in the morning 

c. The car has been droven by my mother in the morning 

d. The car is droven by my mother in the morning 

3. Amman is teaching mathematics in front of students 

a. Mathematics is being taught by Amman in front of students 

b. Mathematics is taught by Amman in front of students

c. Mathematics has been taught by Amman in front of students 

d. Mathematics was taught by Amman in front of students 

4. Do they kick your legs ? 

a. Are your legs kicked by them? 

b. Were your legs kicked by them? 

c. Has your legs been kicked by them? 

d. Will your legs have been kicked by them? 

5. We ate something in front of your child. 

a. Something was eaten by us in front of your child 

b. Something was being eaten by us in front of your child 

c. Something is being eaten by us in front of your child 

d. Something should be eaten by us in front of your child 

6. I have written questions in my laptop 

a. Questions have been written by me in my laptop 

b. Questions are being written by me in my laptop 

c. Questions were written by me in my laptop 

d. Questions were being written by me in my laptop 

7. Suti haliyana visited trade office yesterday 

a. Trade office was visited by Suti Haliyana yesterday 

b. Trade office was being visited by Suti Haliyana yesterday 

c. Trade office had been visited by Suti Haliyana yesterday 

d. Trade office will be visited by Suti Haliyana yesterday 

8. I will visit Surabaya next month. 

a. Surabaya will be visited by me next month b. Surabaya was visited by me next month 

c. Surabaya is being visited by me next month d. Surabaya would be visited by me next month 

9. Sultan Fatah conquered Majapahit in 1400 A.D. 

a. Majapahit was conquered by Sultan Fatah in 1400 A.D. 

b. Majapahit was being conquered by Sultan Fatah in 1400 A.D. 

c. Majapahit should be conquered by Sultan Fatah in 1400 A.D. 

d. Majapahit will be being conquered by Sultan Fatah in 1400 A.D. 

10. Sultan Fatah has deleted paganism from Java Island 

a.Paganism has been being deleted by Sultan Fatah from Java Island 

b.Paganism has been deleted by Sultan Fatah from Java Island 

c.Paganism will have been deleted by Sultan Fatah from Java Island 

d.Paganism would be being deleted by Sultan Fatah from Java Island 

11. Adipati Pajang has made chaos in Java Island 

a. Chaos is being made by Adipati Pajang in Java Island 

b. Chaos was made by Adipati Pajang in Java Island 

c. Chaos has been made by Adipati Pajang in Java Island 

d. Chaos was being made by Adipati Pajang in Java Island  

12. He will pay someone to kill Sunan Kudus 

a. Someone would be paid by him to kill Sunan Kudus 

b. Someone was paid by him to kill Sunan Kudus 

c. Someone had been paid by him to kill Sunan Kudus 

d. Someone will be paid by him to kill Sunan Kudus 

13. They were cleaning bathroom. 

a. Bathroom was being cleaned by them 

b. Bathroom would be being cleaned by them 

c. Bathroom will be cleaned by them 

d. Bathroom has been cleaned by them 

14. My step mother will stab my legs twice 

a. My legs would be stabbed by my step mother twice 

b. My legs will be stabbed by my step mother twice 

c. My legs will be being stabbed by my step mother twice 

d. My legs had been being stabbed by my step mother twice 

15. Was he waiting Trimurti at 8 o’clock last night? 

a. Was Trimurti being waited by Him at 8 o’clock last night? 

b. Did Trimurti waited by him at 8 o’clock last night? 

c. Is Trimurti being waited by him at 8 o’clock last night? 

d. Was Trimurti waited by him at 8 o’clock last night? 

16. Is Roberto educating Mr. Joko now? 

a. Is Mr.Joko being educated by Roberto now? 

b. Was Mr.Joko educating by Roberto now? 

c. Did Mr. Joko educated by Roberto now? 

d. Has Mr.Joko educated by Roberto now? 

17. Did Miss. Khusnul take something in the class yesterday? 

a. Did something being taken by Miss Khusnul in the class yesterday? 

b. Was something taken by Miss Khusnul in the class yesterday? 

c. Has something taken by Miss Khusnul in the class yesterday? 

d. Had something been taken by Miss Khusnul in the class yesterday? 

18. My country has changed its capital city five times. 

a. Its capital city hasn’t been changed by my country five times 

b. Its capital city was changed by my country five times 

c. Its capital city was being changed by my country five times 

d. Its capital city has been changed by my country five times 

19. Did Syahrian help you to go to Airport? 

a. Are you being helped by Syahrians to go to Airport? 

b. Were you being helped by Syahrians to go to Airport? 

c. Did you will be being helped by Syahrians to go to Airport? 

d. Did you has been helped by Syahrians to go to Airport? 

20. They were kissing this ball last night 

a. This ball was being kissed by them the night before 

b. This ball were being kissed by them the night before 

c. This ball would kissed by them the night before 

d. This ball will be kissed by them the night before 

21. I always hears radio every night 

a. Radio always is heard by me every night 

b. Radio always was heard by me every night 

c. Radio always will be heard by me every night 

d. Radio always be heard by me every night 

22. We saw this movie last night at bioscop 

a.This movie was seen by us last night before at bioscop 

b.This movie is seen by us last night before at bioscop 

c.This movie be seen by us last night before at bioscop 

d.This movie would be saw by us last night before at bioscop 

23. They will play badminton next week 

a.Badminton will be played by them next week 

b.Badminton would be played by them next week 

c.Badminton was being played by them next week 

d.Badminton has been playing by them next week 

24. Samsuri is singing a song in radio now 

a. A song is being sung by Samsuri in radio now 

b. A song was being sung by Samsuri in radio now 

c.A song will be sung by Samsuri in radio now 

d. A song would be sung by Samsuri in radio now 

25. Rudi will kick this ball tomorrow 

a.this ball will be kicked by Rudi tomorrow 

b.this ball would be kicked by Rudi tomorrow 

c.this ball will being kicked by Rudi tomorrow 

d.this ball will have been kicked by Rudi tomorrow 

26. We have tried this game last Sunday 

a.This game has been tried by us last Sunday 

b.This game will be tried by us last Sunday 

c.This game would be tried by us last Sunday 

d.This game had been tried by us last Sunday 

27. Indana was listening music at 7 o’clock last night 

a.Music was being listened by Indana at 7 o’clock last night 

b.Music will be listened by Indana at 7 o’clock last night74 

c.Music has been listened by Indana at 7 o’clock last night 

d.Music were being listened by Indana at 7 o’clock last night 

28. They had invented something in our land 

a.Something had been invented by them in our land 

b.Something has been invented by them in our land 

c.Something will be invented by them in our land 

d.Something will have been invented by them in our land 

29. Yusuf will build the bridge tomorrow 

a. the bridge will be built by Yusuf tomorrow 

b.the bridge would be built by Yusuf tomorrow 

c. the bridge was being built by Yusuf tomorrow 

d. the bridge will being built by Yusuf tomorrow 

30. You were pulling this door last night at 8 o’clock 

a.this door was being pulled by you last night at 8 o’clock 

b.this door was pullede by you last night at 8 o’clock 

c.this door has been pulled by you last night at 8 o’clock 

d.this door has being pulled by you last night at 8 o’clock

Baca Juga :

1. 20 Contoh Soal Passive Voice Simple Present Pilihan Ganda

2. 20 Contoh Soal Passive Voice Simple Past Pilihan Ganda

Kunci Jawaban soal pilihan Ganda Passive Voice  

1. D 6.A 11.C 16.A 21.A 26.A 

2. A 7.A 12.D 17.A 22.A 27.A 

3. A 8.A 13.A 18.D 23.A 28.A 

4. A 9.A 14.B 19.B 24.A 29.A 

5. A 10.B 15.A 20.A 25.A 30.A

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